League of Legends Patch 13.5

League of Legends Patch 13.5: Massive Kennen Buffs and Their Impact on the Game

League of Legends is a popular MOBA game with a vast player base. With each patch update, players expect to see new changes in the game, including champion updates, item changes, and other exciting features. In this article, we will discuss the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 and its impact on the game. We will also examine the massive buffs that Kennen is set to receive and what it means for players.

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Kennen’s Base Damage Increased

Kennen is a popular champion in the game, and the upcoming patch will introduce significant changes to him. One of the most notable changes is that his base damage is set to increase. This change is significant as it means that Kennen will be able to dish out more damage to his opponents in the early game. This buff will make Kennen a more viable pick for players who prefer to play aggressively in the early game.

E Minion Damage Increased

Another significant change that the patch will introduce is the increase in E minion damage. This change means that Kennen will be able to clear minions faster and more efficiently. This change is particularly important for players who prefer to play Kennen in the top lane. With this change, Kennen will be able to push his lane faster and put pressure on his opponent’s turret.

Impact on Game

The changes to Kennen will have a significant impact on the game. Players who prefer to play aggressively in the early game will benefit from Kennen’s increased base damage. This change will allow them to trade more efficiently with their opponents and potentially secure kills in the early game. The increase in E minion damage will also allow players to push their lanes faster and put pressure on their opponent’s turret. This change is significant as it will force players to respond to the pressure and potentially open up opportunities for ganks from their jungler.


In conclusion, the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 is set to introduce significant changes to the game. The massive buffs that Kennen is set to receive will make him a more viable pick for players who prefer to play aggressively in the early game. The increase in E minion damage will also allow players to push their lanes faster and put pressure on their opponent’s turret. These changes will have a significant impact on the game and force players to adapt their playstyle accordingly.

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