How to disable Right Click on Blogger blog

How to disable Right Click on Blogger Website | Complete process Step by Step for Lifetime “Content Copy Protection” | Protect website content from being copied

How to disable Right Click on Blogger Website

If you are a Blogger and you have a website which is created in Blogger. On this website, you publish the original article and it is a very genuine matter to your blogging career. It is your responsibility to protect your articles or blog content from theft but, how to do it? How to disable Right Click on Blogger?

WordPress has many free plugins that allow you to easily protect your valuable articles from theft. There is no such plugins/support available for the Blogger. If you do not give importance to the security of your website, any other blogger can steal your articles and publish them on his website. As a result, your SEO ranking may be going down. So how to protect your articles from thieves and enemies?

To steal articles from any other website, it is necessary to copy those post’s articles. If you OFF the website’s ‘Right Click Selection’, nobody can copy your articles and steal them. 

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In this article I’ll explain and show step by step, how do you protect blogger website articles from being stolen? It is very important to make ‘right click disable’ on your website.

How to disable Right Click on Blogger Blog & Protect website content from being copied

1.Login in your Blogger account.

2.In the Blogger window, go to Left-side menu and > click on the Layout option.

3.In the Blogger Layout window go to Right Sidebar > Click on Add a Gadget.

4.In the Gadget window > Click on HTML/JavaScript (+)

5.In HTML/JavaScript page > Paste this Code (without give any Title, Save it).


<script type=’text/javascript’>
if (typeof document.onselectstart != “undefined”) {
document.onselectstart = new Function(“return false”);
} else {
document.onmousedown = new Function(“return false”);
document.onmouseup = new Function(“return false”);

After using this Content Copy Protection process, you will see that “Mouse Right click” selection option is disabled for all post & paragraphs of your website. But your post’s pictures “Right click selection” will not be disabled.

For this reason, before publishing the post, use “Logo Watermark” on your website’s images. By this way, your pictures will be Copyright protected.

It’s a matter of joy that, nobody will ever be able to copy your posts/articles. This will make your web page rank better and this content protection will be enabled for a lifetime.

error: Content is protected !!
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