Top 20 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts For Blogger Post Editors

Top 20 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts For Blogger Post Editors

Bloggers are constantly seeking new techniques and methods to enhance their blogging skills. In order to assist you in this endeavor, we are sharing some remarkable tips and techniques that can greatly benefit bloggers. By utilizing keyboard shortcuts, you can not only save time but also simplify your tasks. These shortcuts enable you to swiftly perform a variety of actions. 

This article will present 20 valuable keyboard shortcuts specifically for the Blogger post editor. Without further ado, here is a comprehensive list of these remarkable keyboard shortcuts that can enhance your efficiency on Blogger. We are well aware that keyboard shortcuts allow us to swiftly execute tasks, thus we are sharing this list to help you save time. As we all know, “time is money” in the world of blogging.

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Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Blogger:

  • Ctrl + C It will copy the selected text. First select the text and then apply the shortcut.
  • Ctrl + V It will paste the coped text.
  • Ctrl + Z It will undo the deleted or erased text.
  • Ctrl + Y It will redo the undo text.
  • Ctrl + X It will redo the undo text.
  • Crl + B It will bold the selected text. Select the text and then apply this shortcut.
  • Crl + A It will select the complete page.
  • Crl + S It will auto-save your post and you can keep on editing at the same time.
  • Crl + U It will underline the selected text. First select the specific text and then use this shortcut.
  • Crl + I It will italicize the selected text. First select the text and then use this shortcut.
  • Crl + K It will insert hyperlink to selected text. First select the text and then insert the link into it.
  • Tab It will change the bullets into sub-bullets.
  • Tab + Shift It will add levels between bullets and levels, (Use to remove the bullets or numbers). First select the text and then use this shortcut.
  • Ctrl + F It will give you a search which you can use to find any phrase oe sentence in your post.
  • Ctrl + Shift + M It will convert your Blogger Post Editor to Mobile View.
  • Ctrl ++ (Press + Twice) It will zoom in the blogger post editor.
  • Ctrl — (Press – Twice) It will zoom out the blogger post editor.
  • Ctrl + 0 It will change the screen to default size.
  • Ctrl+Shift+V It will paste the copied item without formatting.
  • Ctrl+W Close.

Here is a compilation of 20 practical keyboard shortcuts for the post editor in Blogger. We believe that these shortcuts will be beneficial to you. We have recently updated this list by adding new shortcuts, and we have personally tested all of them before sharing them with you. 

If you have any additional shortcuts that we have not included, please share them in the comment section. Did you find this information helpful? Show your appreciation by sharing and liking our content.

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